Monday, October 5, 2009

I can't believe I fell for FarmVille

Okay, fell is an overstatement, but I'm playing it now, and to be honest, I don't really get the hype around it, it's not that fun, but maybe that's because I just started up my farm, what do I know...

I think I have the swine-flue though, I have all the symptoms, except the vomiting and the diarrhea, but the website said that doesn't happen in all cases. I'm pretty much freaking out, what if I do have the swine-flue and I'll die! That totally freaks me out! Oh well, if things doesn't get better I'll go to the hospital, it's as easy as that. I'll keep you updated!

XoXo Beccy

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Hi everybody!

My name is Rebecca, I'm 17 years old and I live in Sweden. My dreams are to study drama at Juilliard in New York, become a model, an actress, singer, and live in Tokyo, so I have pretty high goals, but I will make it! I just know I will!

In this blog I will simply write about my life, my way to New York and Tokyo, and my transformation from "regular swedish girl" to a real Ganguro girl (Yes, I think they look awesome!)

Well, right now I'm sick, I even have a fever, swine-flue? I hope not! Well good night!

XoXo Beccy!